8 Workplace Wellbeing Tips for a Healthier You

May 21st, 2024

Happy Mental Health Awareness Month! Did you know that we spend about a third of our lives working? Consequently, workplace wellbeing is a critical component in our overall mental health.

According to the CDC Workplace Health Resource Center, workplace wellbeing is the ability of individuals to address normal stresses, work productively, and realize one’s highest potential. Research shows that employees in good health are more likely to have a better quality of life, lower risk of disease, illness, and injury, as well as increased productivity and a greater likelihood of contributing to their communities.

Workplace wellbeing is particularly important for individuals working in the accounting industry due to the nature of the work and the environment in which they operate. A 2022 FloQast survey found that almost 99% of accountants experienced some level of burnout and 81% of accountants had at least one month in the past year where work disrupted their personal life.

“As an accounting firm, we at TBG are committed to investing in the wellbeing of each and every one of our People. We are dedicated to providing resources and benefits related to employee mental health all year round to help our People combat stress, fatigue, and burnout,” shared Kaitlyn Parkhurst, Benefits Manager at TBG.

Below are eight tips for workplace wellbeing:

Practice Self-Care

Life is full of stressors and practicing self-care can help you achieve a semblance of balance in your work and personal life. If you know you’re about to face a stressful work season, be sure to develop a plan to incorporate self-care into your routine.

If you are unsure where to start, consider self-care as it relates to both the body and the mind. Perhaps you might want to start journaling, enjoying a hobby, or even unplugging from technology to ease your mind. And don’t forget about physical self-care— stretching, going for a walk, and exercising are some great examples of self-care for the body.

Making time for yourself should not fall by the wayside during busy season. In fact, it is more important than ever to prioritize workplace wellness during these times. Remember, even one small act of self-care can have a large impact. If you want to be the best you that you can be, it’s important to take care of yourself.

Recharge with Sleep

Another third of our life is spent on sleep, making good quality sleep key. Sleep allows our brains to recharge and our bodies to rest. According to the American Psychological Association, sleep is so crucial that even a slight sleep deprivation or poor sleep can affect memory, judgement, and mood. Research has shown that most Americans would be happier, healthier, and safer if they were to sleep an extra 60 to 90 minutes per night. Unfortunately, only 20% of adults say the quality of their sleep is very good or excellent.

In order to get better quality sleep, the CDC recommends consistent bedtimes (even on the weekend), a quiet and dark bedroom, no electronics in the bedroom, and no large meals, caffeine or alcohol before bedtime.

Increase Social Connection

Social connection is another key component to our overall mental health. Connecting with others and engaging in good relationships can lower anxiety and depression, help us regulate our emotions, increase our self-esteem and empathy, and improve our immune systems. By abandoning our need to connect, we put our mental health at risk.

Studies show that individuals who are socially connected to family, friends, or their community tend to be happier, healthier, and live longer, experiencing fewer mental health issues than those who are less connected.

Joining social groups, volunteering for causes we care about, and nurturing our relationships by making (and keeping) plans can all help us stay connected. This connection can energize us, lift our spirits, and motivate us to be more engaged in life.

Practice Mindfulness

Achieving work-life balance during busy seasons can be extremely challenging. We cannot eliminate stress completely, but focusing on strategies to reduce stress can help reduce its negative impact and increase wellbeing. One way to increase stress resilience and create effective coping techniques is to incorporate mindfulness into our daily lives.

Mindfulness is an essential skill that can help individuals be more productive and focused in the workplace. Practice mindfulness by incorporating breathing exercises, paying attention to your surroundings, accepting yourself and your mistakes with grace, and maintaining a gratitude list. Taking short meditation breaks and regular pauses during the day to focus on breathing or stretching can also help reduce stress and improve focus, making it easier to tackle tasks with a clear head.

By taking the time to practice mindfulness each day, employees can reduce stress, improve focus, and foster positive relationships with colleagues.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise has been proven to have numerous benefits for physical health. However, many people fail to realize the positive impact it can have on one’s mental health.

By releasing endorphins, reducing stress levels, improving self-esteem and confidence, and improving sleep quality, exercise can alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. Incorporating exercise or movement into one’s daily routine can be an effective way to improve mental health and overall, wellbeing.

Stay Hydrated

Studies have found that proper hydration is associated with better mental performance and cognition. Plenty of water can also combat tiredness and fatigue, improve concentration, and decrease stress levels.

Unfortunately, it can be easy to forget about staying hydrated, especially in the office. If you are not staying properly hydrated, you may experience symptoms such as feeling thirsty, lightheaded and dizzy, and tired. To combat dehydration, consider downloading a hydration monitoring app, keeping a bottle of water at your desk (and filling it frequently), consuming leafy greens and fruits daily, and decreasing coffee and tea consumption.

Eat Right

During fast paced and busy times, eating healthy can also be difficult to maintain. Taking time to incorporate healthy eating habits into your daily routine can make a difference in energy and stress levels, performance at work, and overall quality of life.

There are infinite resources available for how to maintain a healthy diet, and oftentimes, they are conflicting. While there is no one correct way to maintain a healthy diet, studies have consistently shown that planning your meals, eating a wide variety of foods, preparing healthy snacks, and incorporating lots of fruits and vegetables are some common tips for a healthier lifestyle.

Create an Ergonomic Workstation

Ensuring that you have an ergonomic workstation can help relieve a sore back, tight shoulders, tension headaches and fatigue. If you experience any of the above symptoms, try some of the following suggestions:

  • Keep your body in alignment while sitting in an office chair. Sit up straight in your chair. Keep your shoulders and hips in line vertically.
  • Adjust your chair to have your feet on the floor, thighs horizontal, arms even with the height of the desk and good lumbar support.
  • When typing, arms/wrists should not rest on arm rests or wrist rests.
  • Keep your monitor eye level with good light.
  • Follow the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes look 20 feet away from your computer for 20 seconds.
  • Get up and move with mini breaks every 30 minutes. Stretch, stand, or walk.
  • Maintain overall relaxed posture in head, neck, shoulders and back. Clenching muscles can lead to stiffness and tightness causing increased pain and limited movements overall.

As we celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month, let’s prioritize our wellbeing at work and beyond. Remember, investing in your health is not only beneficial for you but also for those around you, including your colleagues, clients, and loved ones.

If you are interested in learning more, check out our benefits and perks page here. And if you’d like to find out what a career at TBG could look like for you, reach out today or check out our current openings here.


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Jess LeDonne
Jess LeDonne
Director of Tax Technical