Building Culture by Strengthening Community: TBG’s Sixth Annual Volunteer Event

August 7th, 2023

Studies show that 71% of employees think it’s important to work at a company that supports giving to and volunteering with nonprofit causes. Community involvement has been an integral piece of the Bonadio framework since the inception of the firm. Over the past 45 years, we have distinguished ourselves as a philanthropic leader in our communities.

Each year, our People demonstrate what it means To Be Giving by volunteering both their time and money to benefit non-profit organizations. In fact, between May 2022 and May 2023, our firm collectively volunteered over 10,000 hours at nonprofit and/or community organizations and contributed over $1.5 million between firm and Partner donations.

Purpose Day 2023

Purpose Day, our firm’s annual all employee volunteer event, embodies the spirit of the Bonadio Purpose by providing each TBG employee with the opportunity to spend the day volunteering. The theme for this year’s event was “Catalyst for Greatness” to highlight the positive impact the firm’s talent has on the areas where they live and work.

“Our Bonadio Purpose is to provide opportunity, inspire growth and strengthen community – supporting the communities where we live and work is vital to enhancing our employee experience and building a culture of volunteerism,” said Bruce Zicari, CEO, The Bonadio Group.

For six consecutive years now, our People have joined together to donate their time to local non-profit organizations. Each of our offices, across New York State and beyond, close for the day to ensure all employees have the opportunity to participate and give back to a worthy cause.

During this year’s Purpose Day, which occurred on August 4, 2023, nearly 700 employees from across TBG’s footprint volunteered at more than 30 regional and national non-profit organizations, including St. Luke’s Church, River Fund, Inc., Minnie’s Food Pantry, Rosamond Gifford Zoo, and the St. Catherine’s Center for Children. Volunteerism at these various organizations spanned from weeding and mulching community gardens to providing a helping hand for annual fundraising events.

The Bonadio Group

Kelsey Dempsey, Manager within our Assurance Service Line, has played a huge role in the organization and execution of the firm’s community involvement efforts, including Purpose Day. “From interns to Partners, each employee helps make a difference,” said Dempsey. “It’s amazing to see our company come together to support these organizations and build stronger bonds with the people of our local communities.”

Paulette Gilberti, Administrative Manager, and Margaret Seifert, Senior Accountant, both members of the Purpose Day event team, were thrilled to help out for this year’s event.

“I love Purpose Day! This is my third year coordinating virtual options for the firm and each year we get more participation from our remote team! Being able to participate as a fully remote employee helps me feel connected to the firm by being able to participate in my own way,” shared Margaret. “Serving others feels good and having time away from our computers to do so is such a great perk that we get working for Bonadio.”

“Purpose Day is one of the many reasons I am blessed to have worked at TBG for the past 10 years. It has provided me the opportunity to fulfill what is personally important to me: giving of yourself to help others. There is no greater joy than knowing you made a difference in the life of someone else,” added Paulette.   

For more information about community involvement at TBG, please visit our community involvement page. And if you are interested in pursuing a career where community involvement is not only encouraged, but prioritized, TBG could be the right fit! Check out current open positions here.


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