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From Student to Teacher: Mentorship at TBG

January 29th, 2025

January is National Mentoring Month! This annual celebration encourages reflection on the benefits that mentoring can provide personally and professionally. Having the guidance of a mentor can increase confidence, clarify career goals, and increase satisfaction in the workplace. In turn, being a mentor can improve communication skills, promote emotional wellness, and increase industry knowledge.

At TBG, mentorship is a crucial element of the employee experience. Entering the world of public accounting can be overwhelming, so we ensure that our People are set up for success. On day one at our firm, new employees are matched with a mentor group called a PROMISE Team. These teams come together for regular meetings and discuss career paths, professional development, and the changing industry, all while having fun! We also recognize the value of mentor relationships that form organically outside of PROMISE Teams and encourage senior members of our firm to mentor young professionals across service lines, industries, and regions.

Read on to hear from our People, including Principal Quinton Washburn, Manager Kathleen O’Toole, and Senior Accountant Deanna, on the value of receiving and providing mentorship at TBG!

Nobody Left Behind

Quinton, Kathleen, and Deanna all emphasized that the greatest benefit of our PROMISE Team structure is that “nobody gets lost in the shuffle.” For interns and new graduates, there’s so much to take in your first day, week, month, busy season, and year on the job. Even for experienced professionals, joining a new organization requires learning new processes, people, and clients, which is a challenge. Being matched with a designated team ensures that every employee has instant connections and support to rely on.

Each PROMISE Team is unique in terms of their meeting cadence, professional development conversations, and team bonding activities. Quinton and Deanna’s PROMISE Team, led by our Partner, Edward Knapp, meets regularly to discuss timely topics that members may be struggling with, or areas clients are focused on. “As a team, we recently discussed research because it’s a difficult task when you’re new,” Deanna explained. “Ed demonstrated how he does research, which allowed our Staff Accountants to gain insight directly from a Partner,” she added.

Outside of formal PROMISE Team meetings, we encourage our People to lean on their teammates for one-off questions and support. Even if your “go-to” colleague is out of office, you can take comfort knowing you have five to seven other teammates that are eager to answer your questions. “When I was new, everyone always knew what to say when I needed help, and I never thought I’d get to that place,” said Kathleen. “All of a sudden, I’m the teacher, and I reassure interns and Staff Accountants that, if I can make it to where I am today, so can they.” We pride ourselves on having a company culture that welcomes all questions – everybody has to start somewhere! Our People consistently bring new professionals under their wing to develop them as far as they’d like to go.

The Power of Camaraderie

To complement meetings about technical work and form deeper relationships, PROMISE Teams also enjoy teambuilding activities outside of the office such as volunteering, going out to dinner, taking various classes, and so much more. This aspect of PROMISE Teams has been invaluable to Quinton’s experience mentoring his teammates: “what you see at work doesn’t show the full picture,” he explained. “Getting together outside of work allows for everyone’s personalities to shine through.” Kathleen shares this sentiment, adding that “seeing a new Staff Accountant slowly come out of their shell is one of the best parts of the job!”

Being a mentor to others can also help connect you with your professional purpose. “It’s more than just coming into work, getting the job done, and going home,” Deanna said. “One of my favorite things about working at TBG is the teaching aspect and watching other people grow – it’s very rewarding,” she added. When reflecting on how becoming a mentor has contributed to his own career, Quinton shared that “developing others allows you to remember where you came from and see how far you’ve come.” In addition to exceeding client responsibilities, he aspires to pass along what he’s learned from his mentors while putting his own personal spin on it.

Unlimited Career Trajectory

With the support of your PROMISE Team and mentors, your career is truly unlimited at TBG! It can be hard to see what career paths are available to you long-term when you first join the firm. Working with a mentor can help you find your niche and determine what your end goal looks like, whether it be becoming a Partner, earning your CPA license, or something else. Quinton felt this apprehension when he first joined TBG, but after a year of being mentored by our Partners, Tim Pierce and Ed Knapp, he deciphered exactly what direction he aims to go in. “My experience being mentored was like a game of bowling – Ed and Tim set up bumpers to guide me in the right direction and gave me an extra push when I was stuck,” he illustrated.

Mentorship also plays a major role in the path to becoming a CPA. It’s no secret that studying for all four parts of the exam within the allotted time frames while working and maintaining a healthy work-life balance can push professionals to their limit. This is where a mentor can step in, provide study tips, and share their own struggles and victories while earning their CPA. Kathleen shared that she hit a low point while studying for the exam and confided in our Principal, Marie Gavin. “I went into Marie’s office and told her I didn’t think I could do it. She assured me that she had been in my shoes and that I could overcome it,” said Kathleen. In the end, Kathleen became a CPA with the support of Marie and many other colleagues who encouraged her through the process!

Although National Mentoring Month only comes around once a year, our People go above and beyond to mentor both incoming and experienced professionals year-round. Quinton says it best – “our motto is that we want what’s best for our People.” If you’d like to learn more about our PROMISE Teams and learning and development opportunities, click here. If you’re interested in a career at TBG, visit our Careers page. We’d love to support you with setting and exceeding your career goals!